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At a Glance

Opny Careers, dedicated to helping international STEM mentees in the US and Canada land their dream jobs, partnered with Careerflow to enhance their job placement process. The results were transformative :

  • 4 Hours Saved Weekly for Coaches : Streamlined processes allowed coaches to focus more on personalized mentoring.
  • 60% Faster Interviews : Mentees secured interviews 60% faster.
  • 40% Faster Job Offers : The time from enrollment to the first job offer was reduced by 40%.
  • 25,000+ Quality Job Applications : Mentees applied to over 25,000+ quality jobs in one year.
  • 2X Mentee Capacity : Coaches managed twice as many mentees, resulting in 50% cost savings.
About Opny

Opny specializes in helping international STEM mentees in the US and Canada land their dream jobs. Founded by Daniel Botero, Opny provides tailored career coaching and support, focusing on the unique challenges faced by international job seekers.

Opny offers comprehensive services, including resume building, interview preparation, networking strategies, and personalized career guidance. They have successfully placed numerous mentees at top companies, including Google and Tesla, demonstrating their expertise and dedication to their clients' success.

How Careerflow Revolutionized Job Placement for International STEM Mentees at Opny Careers?

At a Glance

Opny Careers, dedicated to helping international STEM mentees in the US and Canada land their dream jobs, partnered with Careerflow to enhance their job placement process. The results were transformative :

  • 4 Hours Saved Weekly for Coaches : Streamlined processes allowed coaches to focus more on personalized mentoring.
  • 60% Faster Interviews : Mentees secured interviews 60% faster.
  • 40% Faster Job Offers : The time from enrollment to the first job offer was reduced by 40%.
  • 25,000+ Quality Job Applications : Mentees applied to over 25,000+ quality jobs in one year.
  • 2X Mentee Capacity : Coaches managed twice as many mentees, resulting in 50% cost savings.
About Opny

Opny specializes in helping international STEM mentees in the US and Canada land their dream jobs. Founded by Daniel Botero, Opny provides tailored career coaching and support, focusing on the unique challenges faced by international job seekers.

Opny offers comprehensive services, including resume building, interview preparation, networking strategies, and personalized career guidance. They have successfully placed numerous mentees at top companies, including Google and Tesla, demonstrating their expertise and dedication to their clients' success.


Opny sought to further improve the efficiency of guiding international STEM mentees through the job search process by addressing several key areas:

Opny Mentees : Mentees needed better job search outcomes and quicker job placements, particularly due to the OPT timelines for international students. They required robust tools to enhance their job applications, monitor their progress, and stay on track with their career goals.

Opny Coaches : Coaches were losing significant time to manual tasks such as job searches and resume reviews, leaving less time for one-on-one coaching. They needed a solution to streamline their workflow and automate repetitive tasks.


Careerflow transformed Opny's career coaching approach with its all-in-one AI-driven career platform.

  • AI Resume Builder & Reviewer : Helped mentees create ATS-friendly resumes, ensuring their skills were effectively communicated to employers.
  • LinkedIn Profile Optimizer : Mentees used this tool to receive personalized tips, enhance their profile visibility, attract recruiters, and facilitate strategic networking opportunities with industry professionals.
  • Autofill Application : Mentees filled out job applications quickly and accurately with AI recommendations, saving time.
  • Chrome Extension (for Job Sourcing) : Integrated job search across over 65 career sites, significantly accelerating the process.
  • Job Application Tracker : Assisted mentees in managing and tracking their applications efficiently.
  • Skill Gap Analyzer : Identified and addressed skill gaps, allowing mentees to focus on relevant skill development.

Careerflow's platform saved Opny's coaches an impressive 4 hours per week, allowing them to focus more on personalized, one-on-one interactions with mentees. The Chrome extension feature accelerated the job search process, reducing the time from the application to the first interview by 60%. On average, mentees landed their first job offer in 87 days.

Careerflow’s AI Tools that made a difference for Opny
  • AI Resume Builder & Reviewer
  • Autofill Application
  • LinkedIn optimization tool
  • Chrome extension (for job sourcing)
  • Job Application Tracker
  • Skill Gap Analyzer
  • Hiring Manager Search Tool
  • Networking features
"Careerflow has been really, really helpful and has helped our mentees to apply to over 25,000 quality jobs. So, we 100% recommend using Careerflow."
Laura Giraldo
Client Success Manager and Head of Career Coaching
  • Enhanced Coaching Experience : Automating manual tasks saved coaches valuable time, enabling more personalized and effective mentoring.
  • 60% Faster Job Seeker Interviews : Careerflow’s job sourcing capabilities helped mentees secure interviews 60% faster.
  • Accelerated Job Placement : Opny’s mentees secured their first job offer within 87 days from enrollment, outperforming the industry average.
  • Increased Job Opportunities : Mentees applied to over 25,000 quality jobs, significantly expanding their job prospects.
  • Impressive Job Placements : Mentees secured roles at top companies like Google, Tesla, and others, showcasing Careerflow’s effectiveness in the job search process.
Looking Forward

Building on the success of the initial implementation, Opny plans to expand the use of Careerflow’s platform across all its programs. This expansion will enable even more international STEM mentees to benefit from enhanced job search tools, personalized coaching, and efficient application processes. By continuing to leverage Careerflow’s innovative AI-driven solutions, Opny is poised to improve job placement rates further and help more mentees achieve their career goals.


Careerflow’s partnership with Opny Careers revolutionized job placement for international STEM mentees, significantly enhancing engagement, efficiency, and success rates. As Opny continues implementing Careerflow’s solutions, their mentees are better equipped to land their dream jobs in leading organizations.

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